How to play  1. Make a new Pilot To make a new Pilot simply click on "New Pilot" or choose "New Pilot" in File Menu. 2. Choose and fly a Mission Click on the mission picture. (There are 3 such pictures on screen) Then you get more infos about the mission. When you choose "Ok! Action!" you fly the mission. You can also choose "cancel" and look at another mission. Flying a mission is simple: Keyboard setup •use arrow keys (or number block) to move your ship. (pressing 2 keys allowed for diagonal flying) • Use "Shift" for Fire. (or key "D") (you should use "shift" if your keyboard/mac doesn't support more that 2 keys pressed at the same time) • You can also use an autofire with "A" - but this is not recommended :-) 3. Use of "crystals" What are crystals - what are devices ? •Crystals are used to improve your spaceship. Most crystals are only for a short time of 5 to 30 seconds. •Devices are something different: devices are installed in your ship. If you buy a device you own real hardware. Types of crystals: There are 6 different crystals in Galaxus:   green crystal Green crystals are used to shorten the load delay of your standard weapon system. If you use a green crystal you can shoot more bullets per second. blue crystal  If you use a blue crystal your standard weapon system changes to laser for a short time. This is a powerful crystal. You can also combine it with a green crystal. red crystal  Red crystals improve your weapon system. The more red crystals you use the better is the weapon system. You can use this improved weapon system only during the current Mission.   golden crystal Golden crystals are used to gain more speed. Your ship can drive much faster for a limited time. silver crystal   When you use a silver crystal normal bullets and spaceships can't hurt you for about 5 seconds. You can collide with enemies and bullets without receiving damage!   cyan crystal With cyan crystals you get +20% shield. You can use as many cyan crystals as you want. How to get crystals You find crystals during missions. You only have to collide with them. Some crystals have a auto-activation when you collide. (green, blue, red, golden) You can also buy crystals in the shop. How to use crystals ? Press keys F1-F2 (or keys 1-6 on main pad). (Keys 1-6 are for PowerBook compatibility) 4. Space Shop: repair your shield, buy crystals and equipment. To go to a space shop click on "repair shield" or "buy crystals" or "ship devices". Each shop has it's own dialog. At the beginning you can't buy all devices! The more missions you win - the more items you get! There are some items that are really expensive! Expensive devices are really good and powerful! But: Warning: Repairing a shield is also expensive - to better you fly the better items you can buy. There is a description of all equipment in the shop, so please read there. HINT: Buy a Red Laser and/or a Rocket at the beginning, also an armor is very good.